What are "Urban Toronto Tales" ?

Yes, "urban" at it's core means "of the city"...however, over the years it has also come to specifically mean "emerging and developing in densely populated areas of large cities, esp those populated by people of African or Caribbean origin."

The "Urban Toronto Tales" are specifically about the urban/city culture of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and those who are a part of. The people of Toronto who have built the urban culture from conception. The first- and second-generation Canadians of African, Caribbean...but also South Asian, Filipino, and other cultures that are just as much a part of the creation and maintenance of the culture.

I have written the "Urban Toronto Tales" novel and short story collection predominently from a "black" perspective, only because it is the perspective that I know. One of the early lessons I learned as a writer was to "write what you know" and the authenticity can not be questioned.

I write these stories from a place of familiarity. I write these stories from a place of passion. I write these stories from a place of love. I write these stories becuase the Canadian "urban" culture is one that I have seen develop, and grow, and begin to define itself...and I want my stories to represent the interpersonal experiences, the conversations, and the slight nuances of this culture that may not easily be captured in other mediums.

There are currently 8 stories in this collection (possibly more) that each reflect a period in time. From adolescence in the early 1990's, high school in the late 1990's, college/university life in the early 2000's, and then firm adulthood, matured relationships, and career building in the late 2000's. The stories have grown with me, as I have observed the culture growing.

For more information about the "Urban Toronto Tales" novel and short story collection by Stacey Marie Robinson, please visit http://KyaPublishing.com.

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