
Showing posts from December, 2024

Messages from Mega (Wo)Men of God // Bishop TD Jakes & More

As I configure my perspectives about the public figures I receive inspiration from, this year I have tried to reconcile my approach to listening to and implementing sounds, words, and ideologies from the various voices broadcast to me. I've already given up on many of the elite musicians and Hollywood A-List types. Whether they are actually the evil do-ers they're alleged to be, or if they're unfortunately just victims of Babylon's System and a twisted form of artistic slavery, I have made an executive decision to just enjoy their music, movies, and "personas" as is: as entertainment. If I happen to be inspired along the way, then even better. Needless to say, the lyrics, performances, interviews, statements, and characters that I innocently enjoyed for decades, have been...tainted at best. The songs still hit. The movies, productions, and autobiographies are still motivational by design...but the people. The people's images have been deeply compromised. B...