"Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" is a Brilliant Exercise in Everyday Hilarity

I'm pretty "new" to Netflix, and don't really have any shows that I'm committed to online. As a result, I watch random specials, and documentaries...occasionally binge on old sitcoms (just finished a ten-season Friends recap last month, for example)...but I didn't realize that Jerry Seinfeld's "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" has existed since 2012? What a wonderful, refreshing, and a brilliant exercise in everyday hilarity! Thanks (yet again) Netflix!

I've been watching a lot of Kevin Hart, Trevor Noah, and Dave Chappelle these days, so naturally Netflix suggested I view a few other things they thought I'd like, and yet would never discover on my own. And they were right. This show is really funny, and I think I have a NEW, new appreciation for comedians right now. Especially looking back over decades of life, and realizing just how present they were during various eras, and how they are responsible for so many smiles, so much laughter, and just good memories overall.

Jim Carrey, in the first episode of the latest season made a great comment about his life. He said that just knowing that when he shows up places, or when people see his face, their immediate reaction is joy and/or laughter. He feels good knowing that in his life, he has managed to make an impact that just makes people happy when they see him. End of story.

That's the point of entertainment, needless to say. To bring us away from reality, or introduce us to new realities...to escape, without escaping. And through the most basic form of entertainment...soliciting laughter through jokes. I think pop culture goes through eras where comedy is either really on...or really off. Given the wacky state of political affairs, and other fuckups...comedy is like a necessity right now.

The show, although moving along just fine for the past 5 years...couldn't have come at a better time for me, personally. I imagine that it's move to Netflix is a welcome addition for other entertainment lovers as well. I mean, clearly, an unscripted segment with two professional jokesters is bound to make you laugh at some point?! But what I'm also loving, in addition to the laughs, is the insight that these folks are providing along the way. I'm sure this was 100% the point, when Jerry Seinfeld conceptualized this show. The other side of comedian's minds...how they interact with one another.

The premise itself is funny, because we're expecting them to both be "on"...and in some cases they are, and it manifests many brilliant, honest moments of joy. In some cases it's forced, but still insightful. In the best episodes, Jerry himself can't stop the tears of laughter from falling, and there is absolutely wonderfulness in just watching THAT go down.

Made me think about a few things, overall...and the first was Robin Williams. The most animated of all comedians, with so much of the most unbearable pain. Watching the comedians interact with one another, you can see the personality type more clearly, the eccentricities and intelligence. The commonality I'm noticing with these discussions (and even with stand-up, as of late) is how intrinsically connected these artists are to the world. To human nature. So connected mentally, yet so often disconnected emotionally. They proclaim to be introverts, and socially awkward. They say that they are outcasts, when our entire lives we know them to be the life of any digital party. The paradoxes are fascinating.

It's like musicians: many of them are gone too soon, and we never get to see them mature, or grow wise, or old because of this unbearable uncomfortableness. And then some of them, we get to see the full arch of their lives. The beginning, the peak of their careers, the disappearance, public issues, and resurrection...we get to see the end result of their craft. We see many flourish, and stay grounded. They beat the fame game, and live prosperous lives! Some of them, we're living right beside them...coming of age, falling in love...we are similar in life stages, yet watch them life under their permanent spotlight, performing for us.

One of the things I am enjoying the most about this series--as I easily blaze through new episodes and old--is how many of the comedians we get to reconnect with, later on in life. Even if that later on is just a few months, or a few years...it's nice to be made acquaintance with Stephen Colbert, and Dave Letterman, and I even actually enjoyed Jim Carrey...probably moreso than I did during the height of his career. Go figure.

Some of the comedians were unexpectedly demure, almost. Introspective. It was great to not see them "on"...and just listen to their thoughts and perspectives on life, and their careers. For someone trained in the art of seeing the funny in life, it's amazing to hear what happens...after the funny. When they're not obligated to pretend, but can now freely speak their truths without the confines of their television shows/film careers.

This is what is going to catapult people like Dave Chappelle and Dave Letterman to another public level, I believe (the honesty, and lack of restriction/regulation), and I think what streaming channels and new entertainment-viewing mediums will bring to pop culture in the next few years. A rawness, and genuine truth that we all desperately need to progress, collectively. With faces and voices we've already grown to trust, admire, and love for how they have already injected laughter into our lives.

P.S. The cars, pretty dope too!

Written by Stacey Marie Robinson for Kya Publishing's "Urban Toronto Tales" blog.


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