Redefining Toronto, the "Screwface" Capital
It is time to eradicate the use of "Screwface Capital" in reference to the city of Toronto. The power of a great brand is undeniable, which is why I do not understand why so many have adopted and perpetuated the use of "Screwface Capital" to define a city that they love, and represent proudly to the world. Screwface by definition: -a mean face -a dirty look -an ice grill -to gawk -to scowl -deeply pissed off -highly intoxicated -a dirty or inappropriate facial expression -revealing nothing As a brand/nickname, "Screwface Capital" is definitely memorable...but is it favourable? Hardly. To say that we believe we are the "Screwface Capital" is to say that we don't think much of ourselves. Canadians in general have always struggled with defining our identity. Defining our culture and our people in relation to the Americans, in relation to the British, and accurately reflecting what we believe about ourselves. To promote the fact that we as Canadi...